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If you were in my bedroom you’d see my nightstand stack of books sorted by color! The common theme among my books is personal development. I just can’t get away [...]


This morning I was brushing my teeth before work and I glanced down and noticed the simple yet profound message on the inside of my black shirt (the bottom of [...]


No matter how messy a home may be, there’s one item most people put back after they take it out. Take a guess then scroll down… . . . . [...]


It’s officially been 10 months since 2017 started. Did you accomplish any of your organizing goals this year? If yes, GREAT! KEEP GOING! If not, there’s still time to make [...]


Problems are a sign of life. If you’re alive, you have them. Some problems are bigger and more painful than others. But we all have them. Someone gets sick. An [...]


If you made a list of all your organizing problems, you’d eventually reach a stopping point because there are a finite number of problems. Although you are unique, your problems [...]


Did you know that “the exact speed needed to orbit the earth depends on the altitude, according to a formula that was developed by Johannes Kepler in the early 1600’s: [...]


Tackling an organizing project can be a lot like meditating. Have you ever meditated? If so, you’ll know one way of meditating is consciously focusing on your breath while bringing [...]


I hope you’re having a great week! Before we get to this week’s post, we’ve received a few questions about my recent update on getting certified as a life coach [...]


I hope you’re having a great week and are looking forward to the weekend ahead! Last Thursday I sent out an update on the past couple months and what is [...]


I hope September has been wonderful for you! Welcome new readers and new members! I wanted to check in with you now that the new season is about to begin. [...]


If you asked me to go hiking 10 years ago, I probably would have said “no” out of fear of falling or twisting my ankle! Even hiking on a flat [...]


In this video I explain how my own life became so overwhelming that it brought me to a near breaking point. I’ll tell you how I got through it and [...]


I’m Alejandra Costello, a Home Organizing Life Coach from and I teach others how to get organized (how to organize themselves and their homes) through online video training. I [...]


A lot of people have been wondering where I’ve been and what’s been going on. It’s been hard to put it all into words, but I’m finally ready to release [...]


Hi Everyone! In this organization video, I give you a tour of my guest bathroom and show you how to organize the space so your guests easily feel welcomed and [...]


Hi Everyone! In this organization video, I give you a tour of my guest room and show you how to organize the space so your guests easily feel welcomed and [...]


Hi Everyone! Here’s a quick video on feeling good before you go to bed. Enjoy! -Alejandra [...]



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